Travis Earth Day
Students at Travis World Language Academy take pride and joy keeping their Earth and learning environment clean and safe from trash and debris. Students have taken a new outlook and ownership of their school since their participation with the April Month of Service.

Truman Friends of Rachel Day of Service
Last week the Friends of Rachel Club at Truman picked up litter and debris along Polo Road for our Day of Service project. The group was able to pick up 20 pounds of trash during the event and enjoyed making our neighborhood cleaner.

Truman Impact Grand Prairie Attendance Contest
In an effort to improve attendance at Truman, we have partnered with Impact Grand Prairie to reward students for good attendance. Our 8th graders had the highest attendance percentage for March and were rewarded with an ice cream social on April 20 for their win.

Florence Hill Green & Clean
Props to the Florence Hill Green & Clean Team along with their Student Council for bringing out 29 students, parents, and teachers. They collected 37 bags of litter to keep Main Street Fest litter free on Earth Day. #rachelschallenge

De Zavala Pennies for Patients
Students and staff at De Zavala participated in the Pennies for Patients campaign for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Mrs. Balderrama's 2nd grade class raised the most money and received a yummy pasta luncheon. Great job!

YMLA Service Project
We conducted our April Month of Service project while celebrating Earth Day on April 21. We cleaned up our adopted section of 4th Street and the school perimeter. Mrs. Johnson allowed some of her boys from Checkers Club to help us out. Mrs. Tubbs' and Mrs. Beck's kids were a tremendous help with our F.O.R. Club, and we definitely appreciated their cooperation.

SGP Day of Service
The South Grand Prairie High School Day of Service was held on Thursday, April 20. Students from the Environmental Science Club, the Volunteers Club, AVID Club, National Honor Society, and the Fashion Club participated.

Johnson Clean Up
Johnson DAEP students worked in groups on April 21 to clean up the campus grounds. Some even helped to clean up the cafeteria after lunch. A few students made Earth Day posters to promote recycling.

Daniels Meets Horses
Grand Prairie Police Department Mounted Patrol Unit in conjunction with the counseling department and Ms. Gates sponsored a Western Day at David Daniels Elementary. The entire student body was able to meet the officers and their horses and hear all about a day in the life of a mounted officer. The students were able to dress in their western wear and were excited to meet the officers and their horses.

Whitt Job Shadowing/Hiring Process Recipients
Congratulations to our determined students who received the wonderful words, "You are hired," during the interview and call back hiring process.