Texas Scholars Day at Young Men's Leadership Academy

Dickinson staff celebrates GenTX Week by wearing college attire.

SGP counselors supporting our College Access Team during a mini college fair to support GenTX Week.

YWLA students and Mayor Jensen at the My Future, My Way Career Fair

Moseley's future college graduates help celebrate GenTex Week.
KC Club Sponsors Food Drive at De Zavala
De Zavala's Kindness and Compassion Club sponsored a food drive. Items collected will be donated to the Grand Prairie Food and Clothing Co-Op.

Jackson GenTX Week
Jackson counselors hosted their Texas Scholar's Career Day Presentation during GenTX Week. The students enjoyed hearing from several diverse speakers such as the mayor of Grand Prairie, a celebrity DJ, ECHS RN Academy students, Grand Prairie Fire Department, WFAA digital producer, dance studio owner, cosmetologist, and many more.

GPFAA Seniors Accepted to College
A few of our seniors who have been accepted to college gathered for a picture. The GPFAA counselors are proud to announce that our 92 seniors have submitted 385 college applications so far. We are excited about the future of the Class of 2018.

Moseley Veterans
Moseley Elementary would like to recognize three of our amazing staff members who not only serve our students but who also served our country. Thank you to the following veterans: Mrs. Rachel Guzman (first grade), Mrs. Beverly Green (counselor), and Ms. Meoshee Noland (second grade). Thank you for all you did then and all you do now.

GenTX at Dickinson
Counselor Latavia Rivers had the pleasure of viewing Ms. Blanco's college and career lesson to her 2nd grade class. Information was presented about her college experience at UTA and photos of study abroad experience, followed by students designing college graduation caps. Students were filled with questions, eager to learn, and all had a great time. Way to go!

Travis My Future My Way
TWLA student's first step toward college started with a field trip with their counselors to the My Future, My Way field trip, where they were given the opportunity to interview professionals in their field of interest.

My Future My Way
Almost 2,000 8th grade students toured our 27 pathways, asking questions of 75+ industry and business professionals, educating themselves about GPISD CTE schools and programs of choice on Thursday. A huge thank you to Matt Loh and Asia Times Square for hosting us, GPISD transportation and Dana Acock for getting all of the buses back and forth all day, the middle school counselors, teachers and administration for making it all happen, the pathway teachers and all of our volunteers. The next step is to apply for your program or school of choice by December 15.

Parent Workshop at Eisenhower
LEAP and the counseling department invited our friend Alma Villareal from Momentous Institute to deliver a parent workshop because we love what we do and we love to learn about the connection between the brain and behavior.

De Zavala GenTX Week
Students and staff participated last week in GenTX Week activities coordinated by counselors Nedin Glover and Evetta McGriff. Students in kindergarten-2nd grade researched their favorite college with their teachers, while 3rd graders completed their research with partners or independently. On Wednesday everyone had an opportunity to take a college gallery walk to view their research. Staff members created college profiles to place outside their doors.

Travis GenTX Week
TWLA students are excited to earn badges and merits as they cruise into Career Town during a guidance lesson with the school counselor Mrs. Lopez.

Reagan Texas Scholars Career Fair
Eighth grade students at Reagan enjoyed interviewing several professionals during our Texas Scholars Career Fair. Great way to close out GenTX Week.