Crosswinds students are rocking the college application process with Ms. Sanders, the counselor, this week.

Fannin staff showered our counselors with love and gift cards in appreciation for all they do for us and our students.

Moseley Elementary student council leaders help with Career Day.

Whoo cares about National School Counselor Week? Reagan counselors, that's whoo.

YWLA counselor Melissa Hohnstreiter helps 8th graders with Career Cruising and registration for high school.

The Reagan staff surprised the counselors with lunch, roses and a $50 gift certificate.

Doc Brown: One of the Keynote Speakers at the Texas School Counselor Conference

Eisenhower counselor passes out "hugs" for National School Counseling Week.

Milam teachers are worth a million bucks - but we could only afford a grand.

Career Day at Moseley Elementary

The counselor is spoiled at Rayburn.

YWLA counselors, Rheatore Culclager and Melissa Hohnstreiter, doing high school registration.
Jackson NSCW
Counselors Patricia Alarcon and Kimberly Williams of Jackson Middle School attend the Texas School Counselor Conference during National School Counseling Week. Counselors armed themselves with the latest techniques and best practices in school counseling, including how to help students utilize mindfulness approaches, build awareness and resilience, and how to manage their anger.

Garner Counselors
It's time for 6th grade course selections. Counselors at GFAA are meeting with 5th grade students to help them prepare for middle school.

This week has been full of appreciation from students, staff, and administrators. We received flowers, treats, and gift baskets.

NSCW at Johnson
Drug education counselor/behavior specialists encourage students at Johnson DAEP to paint "good graffiti." MADD speaks to students about the tragedy of drinking and driving.

The SGPHS and SGP9 counselors were treated to a homemade lunch, prepared by SGP9 AP Shannon Green, to celebrate National School Counseling Week. It was delicious and very much appreciated.

Austin Character
The counselor Tonya Womack Campbell and community liaison Arletheia Clemmons work together to encourage students at awesome Austin Elementary School to have good character. Students can receive behavior/character bucks to shop once a month at the store.

Austin Orange
Awesome Austin Elementary School’s counselor helps others stay healthy in their mind, heart and body. She encourages everyone to take care of yourself and Be Fit Wear Orange.

College Applications at GP
The College and Career Center is proud to announce that we surpassed one of our goals, which is submitted college applications. Our goal was 80%, and now it is 86% of the seniors who have submitted at least one college application. We are very proud of their hard work and determination. Go Gophers!

Counselor Selfie
Fannin MS counselor Crystal Torres, Lee ES counselor Charlette Hart and Fannin MS counselor Jennifer Torres take a selfie at the 2016 TSCA conference at the Hilton Anatole Dallas.

Registering Fannin
Fannin MS counselor Jennifer Torres facilitates a course registration and HS credit guidance lesson with current 7th/upcoming 8th graders.

Proclamation from the Governor
Below is a picture of the proclamation from Governor Abbott, acknowledging the great work that school counselors do. In his proclamation, Governor Abbott noted that school counselors were dedicated to nurturing well rounded students. “School counselors,” Abbott writes, “are actively committed to helping students explore their abilities, strengths and interests. [THEY] identify and utilize community resources,” while working with “teachers and other educators to help students explore their potential,” and “become productive members of society.”

Crockett Counselor
As a school counselor, I have the opportunity to work with families and students to overcome social and emotional barriers and help maximize student growth. What I Iove most about what I do, is that I get to work with our school district's youngest learners and pave their way to success. -Yadira Reyes, Crockett