SGP ECHS celebrated Counselor's Week with one of the best - Dr. Felicia Layne.

Our great social worker Julie Ellison comes to visit TWLA and celebrates Counseling Week.

The counselor at Bonham showered with love and appreciation

Students at the School for the Highly Gifted wrote messages for Counselor’s Week.

Counselor Awareness Week celebrated at GPCI

TWLA's counselor feeling the love during School Counseling Week

De Zavala 5th graders show how much they love one of our counselors Ms. Todd, by putting on their "love glasses."

Today, the counselors at Reagan showed their appreciation to the students for all their hard work and great attitudes. Go Knights!

NSCW at Ellen Ochoa STEM

Counselor Appreciation Week at YMLA

Mrs. Mays, counselor at David Daniels, is celebrated as she celebrates the teachers for always “Chipping In” to help the students.

Seguin loves our counselor, Miriam Martinez, for all her hard work and kindness towards our students.
Reagan Counselors
These are just a few of the daily tokens the counselors at Reagan passed out to faculty and staff to show their appreciation for all they do to help with students.

Truman Counselors
Truman Middle School counselors were surprised with many colorful and creative notes of appreciation and thanks from students in honor of National School Counseling Week.

In celebration of National School Counselor's Week, students at GPHS showed their appreciation and support with the counselors during the lunch periods by completing a counselor quiz and shooting hoops in hopes of receiving a gift (flash drive bracelets or ear buds). There was so much excitement; staff members also wanted to participate.

Hobbs Wiliams Counselor
Big thank you to the staff at Hobbs Williams for showing me their love during National School Counselor Week and always supporting me. -Mrs. Gilbert

De Zavala NSCW
The staff and students at De Zavala showed the counselors love and appreciation with kind words, cards, donuts, and breakfast for National School Counseling Week. We LOVE what we do!

Adams NSCW
Adams counselors celebrated National School Counseling Week with small treats to the staff and students. Adams students and staff surprised the counselors with daily positive affirmations and treats.

Powell Counselor
The staff at Powell truly is amazing! I am so thankful that I get the opportunity to work with them every day. -Kelley Meeks, counselor

Dubiski NSCW
Dubiski counselors treated the staff to donuts and coffee for NSCW. Our counselors were treated to a variety of gifts and appreciation during the week. Dubiski loves our counselors!

Ochoa NSCW
Our teachers really make a difference when they "chip in" to help our students. Thank you so much for supporting our students.

DAEP counselors promoted National School Counselor's Week with thank you treats to the faculty for "CHIP"ping in to help support our students, reminding them that problems may "POP" up and that counselors are here to help both students and staff and with "Hugs" and "Kisses" for their overall support of the counseling program.

We celebrated National School Counseling Week yesterday at DAEP by playing a quiz game with students, having students affirm their school counselors, and encouraging our staff to team up with our counselors to help students succeed.

Lee Elementary celebrates National School Counselors Week with guidance, a community service project (Letter of Love to the military) and lots of hugs and "kisses."

Dubiski NSCW
During National School Counseling Week, the counselors at Dubiski Career High School held a parent workshop for their 10th and 11th graders. The parent workshop informed both parents and students about PSAT scores, Dual Credit, AP classes and Career Cruising.

GPFAA celebrated the end of counselor's week by asking all students and staff to wear their favorite team shirt. Teamwork has been promoted all week in honor of our two counselors, Traci Bragg and Baneca Nyereyemhuka, who are the heart of the school.