Lee counselors coordinated with UTA to provide alternative activities for our students during Red Ribbon Week with the support of our administrators and coaches.

Austin delivered 50 Thanksgiving meals yesterday, thanks to Walmart.

College Speaker for YMLA's AVID Program

Dubiski counselors, Friends of Rachel Club, and students pledge to be kind.
Lee GenTX Week
The counselors from Lee Elementary, Ms. Todd and Ms. Todd, gave the 5th grade students an introduction to college by having a College Readiness Specialist from UNT Dallas speak for GenTX Week. The students enjoyed. Thank you, Ms. Washington.

Powell Career Fair
Powell Elementary's counselor and 5th grade teachers worked together to organize a peer to peer career fair. The event was a success, and the students did a terrific job.

Daniels Career Cruising
David Daniels counselor Mrs. Mays engages 5th grade students in a research guidance lesson using Career Cruising to research career fair projects.

Powell Food Drive
Powell Elementary did a great job donating food for Noche de Navidad. Thanks to all the staff and students for your kind, giving hearts. Mrs. Meeks, school counselor, is Palomino Proud.

SGP Thanksgiving Baskets
At SGP it is all about Warriors coming together. SGP staff and student organizations assisted our amazing social worker with putting together Thanksgiving baskets for families in need. The generous youth group at South Park Baptist helped deliver the baskets to cars during pickup.

Johnson GenTX Week
Johnson celebrated GenTX Week by having various speakers come in and share what they do in their job/career with the students. This was a nice follow-up to their Career Cruising exploration.

Bowie All Pro Dad
Bowie had a successful All Pro Dad meeting. Thank you to Mrs. Herrera, our parent liaison, and Mrs. Martinez, our counselor, for your dedication and commitment in making this event happen.

Johnson Family Game Night
Johnson partnered up with Grand Prairie IMPACT to host a family game night. Students, parents, and staff had fun just hanging out together.

SGP Kindness Challenge
SGP counselors accepted the Kindness Challenge from Dr. Alexander and Mr. Harrison by providing a sweet treat and thankful notes to SGPHS staff members.

Moseley Career Awareness
Moseley's counselor Beverly Green would like to congratulate the winners and runners-up of the Career Awareness Poster Contest and thank all the students who participated.