Bonham's school counselor and family engagement specialist donate can goods to a local church.
Garcia had a successful GenTX Week. Students participated in dress-up days and career exploration activities.
GPFAA Rachel's Club
The GPFAA Rachel's Club decorated the patient doors at Heritage Nursing Home as a random act of kindness. The students and counselor Laura Mungia had an amazing time.
Bonham Food Drive
The counselor at Bonham organizes a food drive that lead to an amazing turnout, thanks to students, parents and staff.
Garner College and Career Readiness
Garner counselors Lewis and Moon promote college and career readiness with college t-shirt days, peer-to-peer career fairs, and more activities for students to explore and enjoy.
Eisenhower Peer to Peer Career Day
Eisenhower had an outstanding Peer to Peer Career Day. 5th grade students presented to grades kindergarten to 4th. The students discussed their future careers of being an animal trainer, biologist, allergist, doctor, astronaut, pathologist, veterinarian, fashion retailer, wood installer, demolition expert, and of course numerous teachers. This is only a small list of the wonderful career goals that our excellent Eisenhower Cougars are working towards. The students were awarded with certificates and gift cards to Chick-fil-A or Golden Corral for sharing their knowledge with other students and staff.
GPCI at UNT Dallas
GPCI scholars worked with UNT Dallas advisor Mr. Wilhite and school counselor Mrs. Swanigan on registration for spring classes. Scholars were so excited about the many college courses to choose from at the university.