GPISD School Counselors & Social Workers... Making A Difference Every Day!
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Counselors Keep America Beautiful
GPISD Counseling Services won the Keep America Beautiful Award for their April Month of Service Project done at all GPISD campuses. Counselors and their Rachel's Challenge clubs led school and community clean-ups and beautification efforts, which taught students the importance of teamwork and playing an active role in taking care of our Grand Prairie community. GPISD counselors are committed to teaching students social / emotional skills that will not only be essential in their future careers, but also for building strong community involvement.
Friday, February 17, 2017
GPISD Counselors' News
GPFAA students help fellow students promote healthy relationships and prevention of teen dating violence.
Teen Dating Violence Orange Day Photo at GPHS
Wonderful Williams Showing Love
With the school counselor's guidance theme of Love this month, students made "Candy Grams" to affirm others. In addition, our awesome principal provided a "Love Snack Bar" for the staff to show them her appreciation.
Lee Celebrates Their Counselor
Ms. Ritchie's first grade class celebrates their counselor Ms. Todd because she supports their academic as well social emotional achievement.
Eisenhower Counselors
School counselors at Eisenhower love what we do, preparing our fifth graders to attend their respective middle schools, teaching problem-solving skills in small groups to improve academic achievement and target scores and developing career awareness mindsets in all our scholars.
Traci Bragg (GPFAA) and Shannon Howell (Bowie) attended the Texas School Counselor Association conference in Arlington for three days.
Friday, February 10, 2017
National School Counseling Week
Reagan's counselors help promote healthy relationships with guidance on empathy. #peaceandlove
The GPFAA counselors spent the afternoon in the cafeteria offering stress management and study skills tips to their students.
SGP students participated in the Join One Love #BecauseILoveYou campaign to promote awareness of Teen Dating Violence.
National School Counseling Week Fact
GPISD counselors love serving the students, staff, parents, and the community. Thank you for celebrating National School Counseling Week with us. Please check out our video.
Truman Counseling
The Truman teachers stopped by the counseling office today to have cake and cookies with the counselor. All the teachers and staff received a resource sheet with ideas on how to build relationships with their students.
Ms. Carey at Moseley
In honor of National School Counseling Week, we want to share a picture of our favorite counselor, Ms. Carey, in action. Ms. Carey can be found leading programs such as Career Cruising, organizing and leading awards ceremonies, promoting college readiness, organizing and leading Career Day, and sponsoring the Kindness Club. All of this is in addition to meeting the daily emotional and physical needs of our students. We are blessed to have her on the Moseley staff.
Daniels KC Club
Counselors support student achievement in GPISD. David Daniels' school counselor meets with KC Club to create kindness posters with affirmations to post throughout the school.
Marshall Counselor
The school counselor from Marshall, Mrs. Jiménez, supports student achievement in GPISD by making individual plans with students so they can be successful academically, establishing relationships with the students to promote social, emotional, and physical needs, and exposing students to an array of activities to facilitate career development in the early academic years.
Supporting the Love of Reading at Dickinson Elementary
Reading with the counselor to support academic success.
DAEP Counseling
Mrs. Rosenthal, counselor, had DAEP and YES students fill out "I have the potential to __________" slips and posted them on our wall banner. Helping students realize their potential allows them to achieve more both academically and socially and emotionally.
Seguin Rockets
Seguin 4th grade and Robotics Team students learned more about the field of engineering during Lockheed Martin's visit in celebration of our National School Counseling Week. We tested the effects of propulsion while launching homemade rockets using pressurized air and water. What a blast.
Proud Grandma Calling It In
For National Counseling Week, Aniah Harris (freshman) honored Dr. Felicia Layne (counselor at SGP-ECHS) with some flowers and a Thank You card for "shaping the students future" and letting Dr. Layne know she is "much appreciated." - Maria Salmeron, Dubiski
De Zavala Counselors
Counselors at De Zavala support student achievement in GPISD by encouraging students to learn more about college and careers. Students get the opportunity to hear announcements about different colleges that our staff members attended and learn about careers offered at the colleges and universities.
Fannin Counselor Connection
Fannin MS counselors support student achievement in GPISD by making connections with the community to provide suicide prevention lessons for students. Pictured are North Texas Suicide Crisis Center counselor Ramona Whitfield with Fannin MS counselor Jennifer Torres.
Fannin Anti-Bullying
Students at Fannin MS competed to design the anti-bullying logo used for our campus-wide campaign. The winning logo was printed on t-shirts provided to the staff and students as we unite against bullying. Mrs. Carlisle, principal, presents the contest winner Daisy Salazar with the first shirt donning her design.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
National School Counseling Week
The counselor at Powell helps support students' academic needs.
The mayor visits Seguin third graders.
GPHS Seniors Are Going Places
The College and Career Center finished their College Acceptance Wall. Each balloon represents a student's acceptance letter. Go, Gophers!
Kindness and Compassion Club at Eisenhower
Our Kindness and Compassion Club members, scholars and teachers met to write, and shared positive and inspirational messages for all students, parents and staff members to remind them how much we love what we do during National Counseling Week.
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Did you know that dating violence is a teen issue? One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence.
To get help:
- Speak to a peer advocate by calling 1-866-331-9474
- Text* loveis (capitalization does not matter) to 22522
- Chat with a peer advocate by clicking on the "Chat Online Now" button at
National School Counseling Week
Jackson counselors help students create their high school four-year plans in Career Cruising.
Jackson Middle School counselors support students' social-emotional needs.
SGP loves our counseling team. We "donut" know what we would do without them.
National School Counseling Week Fact
GPISD counselors use Career Cruising, an online tool, with students to teach them about college and career options. For the 2015-2016 school year, GPISD had 45,186 Career Cruising logins and usage from students, grades Pre-K - 12, making GPISD one of the highest Year 2 Implementation Student Usage districts in the entire state of Texas. GPISD counselors work hard to help students plan for their bright futures.
Read more about Career Cruising...
NSCW at Dubiski
"Counselors support achievement in GPISD by taking time with each student to individualize course selections." During National School Counseling Week, students at Dubiski navigated through Career Cruising, choosing course selections for the 2017-2018 school year.
Hobbs Williams All-Pro Dads
Hobbs Williams counselor Tonya Womack Campbell helps support social and emotional well being of students through the All-Pro Dads program. Our awesome All-Pro Dad led the motivational Muffin for Moms meeting and inspired moms to bring dads in to uplift students, encourage academic success, and build social and emotional relationships. District representative Esme Rodriguez and parent liaison Rosanelda Foo "did it big" in bringing everyone together.
GPFAA Acceptance Wall
The GPFAA college & career counselor Blanca McGee is pictured with several seniors who have been accepted to college. The senior wall is used to display the many acceptance letters rolling in each week. We appreciate how the GPFAA counselors contribute to student achievement.
NSCW at De Zavala
Counselors support student achievement in GPISD by reviewing student grades, helping prepare goals for improvement, and celebrating their success. De Zavala counselors Mrs. Glover and Ms. McGriff meet with students to ensure they are doing their best.
Garner Counselors
GFAA counselors Lewis and Moon support student achievement in GPISD by rewarding students for academic excellence. Good grades and strong choices lead to cool prizes.
National School Counseling Week
This week is National School Counseling Week. Celebrate school counselors! Pictured is GPISD's Director of School Counseling Dana Jackson. She recently presented at the first ever Lone Star State School Counselor Association's Conference.
SGP Counselors Support Students
SGPHS counselors support academic student achievement in GPISD by meeting with every student to plan their four years of high school. Utilizing Career Cruising, we incorporate their career interests, endorsements, credits earned, and possible pathway selections, encouraging all students to succeed in GPISD.