GPFAA students help fellow students promote healthy relationships and prevention of teen dating violence.
Teen Dating Violence Orange Day Photo at GPHS
Wonderful Williams Showing Love
With the school counselor's guidance theme of Love this month, students made "Candy Grams" to affirm others. In addition, our awesome principal provided a "Love Snack Bar" for the staff to show them her appreciation.
Lee Celebrates Their Counselor
Ms. Ritchie's first grade class celebrates their counselor Ms. Todd because she supports their academic as well social emotional achievement.
Eisenhower Counselors
School counselors at Eisenhower love what we do, preparing our fifth graders to attend their respective middle schools, teaching problem-solving skills in small groups to improve academic achievement and target scores and developing career awareness mindsets in all our scholars.
Traci Bragg (GPFAA) and Shannon Howell (Bowie) attended the Texas School Counselor Association conference in Arlington for three days.