GPFAA Senior Chats
Senior chats are underway at GPFAA. High school counselor Traci Bragg is meeting with each student to discuss credits, graduation and college plans.
Dickinson Donation Drive for Hurricane Harvey
Dickinson's counselor and community engagement liaison sponsored a drive for victims of Hurricane Harvey. Items collected included new undergarments, toiletries, baby food/formula, bottles, diapers and wipes, and non-perishable food items. All donations will be delivered to the local YMCA in their efforts to provide aid to hurricane victims.
Travis Bully-tin Board
Counselors and members of the Kindness Club proudly display the Bully Bulletin Board, created by the students during their interactive guidance lesson.
Eisenhower College Pay Day
At Eisenhower Elementary, college pays. Teachers and staff wear their college shirts every payday to reinforce the importance of getting a higher education.