Counselors at TWLA ensure that every student is focused on their future career.
Fourth and fifth graders at Moseley had a spectacular time speaking to kindergarten, first, and second graders about their future careers.
GPCI Seniors Are College Bound
Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute would like to spotlight Ashley Galicia, who is currently a senior. She has received acceptance letters from Philander College, Baylor University, Creighton University, and Texas A&M University - Texarkana. She has also received over $110,000 in scholarship money so far.
Florence Hill Rewards
Florence Hill Elementary Student Council received a kind note and gift cards after they wrote inspirational quotes on Starbucks sleeves. #payingitforward
De Zavala Poster Winners
All students at De Zavala worked hard to complete their career poster drawings. It was difficult to choose, but we have six awesome entries. We have a zookeeper, art teacher, artist, veterinarian, surgeon and cartoonist. They will move to compete at the district level. Students were encouraged by counselors Ms. McGriff and Mrs. Glover to use Career Cruising.
De Zavala Career Fair
Mrs. Glover and Ms. McGriff, counselors at De Zavala, coordinated with 4th and 5th grade students and teachers to conduct a peer-to-peer career fair for 2nd and 3rd grade. Students used different presentation methods to showcase their plans for their futures.