At GPFAA, social worker Alex Anderson and counselor Mr. Hernandez are shown teaching breathing techniques with a sphere to 6th grade students for Suicide Prevention Week.

GPCI scholars participate in suicide prevention week by writing down ways they can be a helping hand to others and taking the pledge
The Counseling Services Department at Dubiski handed out our monthly newsletter and spoke with parents Monday during Meet the Teacher Night.

As students identify parts of the brain, drug counselor Umeka Wright explains how brain health and performance are greatly impaired with substance abuse.

GPCI scholars participate in suicide prevention week by writing down ways they can be a helping hand to others and taking the pledge

The Counseling Services Department at Dubiski handed out our monthly newsletter and spoke with parents Monday during Meet the Teacher Night.

As students identify parts of the brain, drug counselor Umeka Wright explains how brain health and performance are greatly impaired with substance abuse.