Sunday, November 29, 2015

GEN TX- Career Week

Truman staff model how to "Dress for Success" during GenTX week.



TWLA’s Pre-K – 2nd is working on scholarship for college.  

At GP parents had breakfast with the CTE counselor Mrs. Swanigan and received information about college readiness and career exploration.


Moore GenTX

Moore Elementary students had a wonderful GenTX week. The week ended with a peer to peer career fair where the 4th and 5th grade students presented their research on their chosen career to students in Kinder-3rd grade. The 4th and 5th grade students researched their information from Career Cruising. 


Reagan GenTX Week

Reagan Middle School celebrated GenTX week from college visits by field trip, virtual tours and Periscope. We had daily dress up days:
    Monday - "College Makes Your Future Bright" – Students and staff wear bling, shades and bright colors.  
    Tuesday - "Smart Students Go To College" – Dress like a Nerd.
    Wednesday - "Lasso Your Career" – Dress country western
    Thursday - "Friends Help Friends Go To College" – Twins Day
    Friday - "Show You College Spirit" –  Wear college attire
But we are most excited about our first Texas Scholar Video Presentation, brought to you by Ms. Verbraska's Professional Communications classes. This was shown to the entire student body during Activity Time. Check it out: