Mr. Strange, paraprofessional at the Care Unit in Travis World Language Academy, talked to our students about the military life. Thanks Mr. Strange for your military service and caring for our students.

Veterans Day at YMLA

We had a great turn out of students who invited their family military members to join us in a Veterans Day celebration at SGP.

The JROTC hosted a breakfast and recognition program for our veterans in the SGP9 library. The Honor Guard presented The White Table followed by Taps. The veterans that attended served in wars that ranged from WWII to Operation Enduring Freedom.

Florence Hill students loved thanking our veterans this morning in the drop-off line. Cars honked if they had a veteran and our students would cheer.
Veterans Day at Lee
Lee Bears showed their support of our Veterans and military inside the classroom and in the halls! Staff and students wore their red, white and blue and made banners to hang in the halls. Students held a Veterans Day Program where they presented poems, drawings, dances and a biography. Mrs. Orona's First Grade class had the honor of hearing a read aloud from her husband HM3 Bryan Orona and HM3 Jerimiah Cornelius. Second Graders in Ms. Buendia's class skyped with a military veteran and had the chance to ask questions about his service. Lee Bears salute all of our service men and women.

Moore Elementary had an amazing turnout yesterday for our Veterans breakfast honoring our parents, grandparents, and other family members who have served. Our Honor Council greeted, KC Club wrote thank you notes, the choir sang and students read poems they wrote to help with the celebration.