Ethan Gunnels, a current student at UNT, gives students at GPFAA insight on college life.

Secondary counselors wrapped up their evening after working to distribute packages at the Santa Cop program.

TWLA Career Day - Speed date your career.

SGP alumni come back to visit with students about their college experiences. Great to see all the former Warriors.
Crosswinds/HOPE 5th Annual Trip to Salvation Army
Crosswinds High School and HOPE Academy students participated in the Salvation Army’s annual Angel Tree Program. We loaded and unloaded presents for hundreds of families. Some students even got to shop in the Toy Workshop, picking out toys for little ones and their families. Awesome day!

GPFAA Art Giving Back
GPFAA’s art strand kids showed the importance of giving back this holiday season. They collected donations and gave them to Prairie Paws Animal Shelter during a special presentation on Thursday.

GP Financial Aid
Day two for GPHS counselors Mrs. Satcher and Mr. Burks, who presented three sessions today. Counselors guided seniors through the various components of the financial aid process, utilizing a technology-rich lesson. The total number of attendees was 57.