Santa Cop Counselors at Ruthe Jackson

More Santa Cop Counselors
Awesome Austin Elementary had some holiday cheer brought to over 100 families by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Counselor Tonya Womack Campbell, along with Roshelle Moore (from the organization), worked to bring joy to Austin this year. Students got pictures with Santa, teddy bears, gifts, and treats to enjoy with their families.

Warrior Angel Tree
SGP staff members and student groups adopted students from the Warrior Angel Tree to help others have a great holiday season. SGP was very generous in all their donations.

The students and staff at SGP9 were challenged to give this holiday season and collected 150 new toys via our Angel SPEARit Tree that were donated to WFAA’s Santa’s Helpers at their event at Don Davis Auto Group Tuesday evening. You can see our Big Green collection boxes in the background of Pete Delkus.

GPFAA Spreading the Joy
I just wanted share the spreading of kindness from our Try A Little Kindness Club-T.A.L.K. Club. They worked really hard to make ornaments/treats for the cafeteria workers and day custodians.

Goodies With Gilliam at Awesome Austin Elementary
Austin Elementary held its monthly parent involvement class on December 12.Parents learned about the role of the social worker and resources available through Ruth Amaro. Principal Tanya Gilliam informed parents of all the wonderful things going on at Austin. Assistant Principal Sandra Mejia translated all information for parents. Counselor Tonya Womack Campbell led the parent class on Boosting Your Child's Self-Esteem and a make-and-take project for children to express themselves using stress balls. Parents had fun and were engaged.

GP College Acceptance Letters
GP High AVID students Stanley Brown and Victoria Shelton helped CTE counselor Mrs. Swanigan put up senior's college acceptance and scholarship letters. They still have 100 more letters to put up. Victoria and Stanley will both be attending Texas Tech University in Fall 2016.

SGP9 Volunteering
AVID, Friends of Rachel and Mrs. Gilbert’s class volunteered at the North Texas Food Bank. This community service project was made possible by a grant from the Meadows Foundation.

Adams Spreading Cheer
Adams Middle School NHJS helped spread holiday cheer with giving back to their Salvation Army Christmas Angels and by sharing their talents at Mount Creek Retirement Living. NJHS knows how to spread PANTHERlove.
