Counselors from TWLA attended a powerful conference that focused on student achievement and their emotional well-being.
The counselor and admin team at Moseley are all smiles as they receive 75 donated backpacks from Target.
Dickinson Bully Prevention Month
Dickinson counselor promotes Bully Prevention Month by providing certificates for students nominated for showing kindness and care towards others.
GPCI Virtual Trip
This week, GPCI took middle schoolers on a virtual field trip to Lockheed Martin's Sunnyvale, California site to explore innovative space facilities and meet the STEM professionals who are responsible for the many aspects of deep space missions. We hope to inspire students' future career goals in STEM through this partnership with Lockheed Martin. Fox 4 News even came out to do a story.
GP ECHS Love Their Counselor
Some of GP ECHS's awesome students took a break from studying to hug on their favorite counselor, Ms. Brown, as she made rounds to meet with students.
School counselor Mrs. Swanigan set up lunch visit with Texas A&M for the junior and senior scholars. Mr. Cullors discussed admission requirements, scholarships, the engineering program, and much more.
Marshall Shows Kindness
Students at Marshall are rewarded by Mrs. Jiménez, the school counselor, when they unexpectedly show unprompted kindness. This is part of a character development and bullying prevention initiative implemented at Marshall Leadership Academy.