Hobbs Williams students and staff wrapped up Red Ribbon Week with Be a Good Character Day. Students got to dress as their favorite story book characters.
The Social Work Hub received a generous donation of canned food items from Moseley's faculty, staff, and students. The social workers are very grateful. This will help provide meals for our families in need this Thanksgiving season. Thank you, Moseley, for your willingness to spread kindness!
Counseling Service @Data Adams MS puts a cap on drugs for Red Ribbon Week!
David Daniels School Counselor Ms. Todd led the students in Red Ribbon trivia questions during lunch.
Eisenhower Elementary packed a full house for their Muffins with Moms event. Representatives from All Pro Dads, counselors, administrators, and the community liaison all spoke on a range of topics including parent involvement, conflict resolution at school, as well as reporting bullying. 

Travis World Language Academy had a very busy week as counselors promoted “Red Ribbon Week.” Students participated in activities from dress-up days to creating amazing posters and poems.
Bonham BEES pledge to BEE drug free! Our school counselor and teachers help students show pride in saying no to drugs.
Moseley staff and students celebrated the final day of Red Ribbon Week by choosing "Hugs, Not Drugs" and showing off their favorite stuffed animal.
Powell Palominos “Socked It to Drugs." Powell counselor is Palomino Proud of all of the Palominos. Throughout the week, they celebrated being drug free by wearing red, hats, pjs, and sports jerseys. Then, on Friday, they celebrated with their annual Sock Hop. Students also had lessons with the counselor throughout the week to learn about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and the importance of living a drug-free life.
Florence Hill Counselor Megan Hay organized an October Handprints on Hearts activity with pumpkin cookies and Halloween bingo.