I just want to give a great BIG affirmation to Moseley's school counselor, Beverly Green. My son is a student there, and this month during their guidance lessons, they learned about how their brains are in charge of their emotions and how to deal with issues once their emotions get high. A few days later, he came home and told me about an issue he had with another student and what he learned to do from Ms. Green to calm himself down.
Then yesterday he came home starving because he didn't eat his lunch. I found out that he didn't eat because some other students were saying "Yuck!" and "Eww" at his lunch. This incident came at the right time because earlier today, I read Ms. Green's October parent newsletter, and she will be teaching the kids how to deal with negative peer pressure! This gave me an opportunity to begin a conversation about peer pressure with him.
I just want to thank her for all of her hard work with the students, and reiterate that kids are winning in this district!