Friday, October 30, 2015

Red Ribbon Week @ GPISD

Red Ribbon Fact
The older a student grows, the less likely, “Just say no” will be effective on its own. We’ve got to get to know our students so we can help them find their own reason for saying no. The reality we want all students to understand is that by saying no to drugs, they’re actually saying yes – yes to themselves, yes to what they want to accomplish, and yes to who they want to become.    

Red Ribbon Week
Superheroes at Crosswinds

Truman staff stomped out drugs in their western wear.

TWLA 4th grade team rockin' Super Hero Day.

Dress like Mr. Hinchcliff at Crosswinds

YWLA- Red Ribbon Week Hat Day...Keeping Drugs Out of Our Heads

At Seguin Elem. - Our Future Is Too Bright for Drugs


TWLA office Staff and Administration representation the book Pearl Harbor.

Celebrating Red Ribbon Week as a Family at Crockett Early Education Center

Celebrating Red Ribbon Week as a family at Crockett EES

Fighting Drugs & Breast Cancer at the Same Time- "Pink Out Day" for Red Ribbon Week at GPFAA

Red Ribbon Week @ Ed Center

GPISD Celebrates Red Ribbon Week

Real Heroes Have the Power to Say No to Drugs at Moseley.
Moseley counselor Zandra Carey and AP Evita Medina

Be Strong Against Drugs at Adams

Twins Day at Dubiski – Mr. Clifton and Mr. Yoder

Truman students pledge to be drug free. 

Mrs. Garcia's Pre-K class at MLA with Principal Carlisle on Crazy Hair Day to say it would be crazy to do drugs.

SGP Counseling Super Heroes fight drugs during Red Ribbon Week and beyond!

Marshall students and teachers dressed up as construction workers for Red Ribbon Week.

The men and boys at Ochoa STEM Academy will not get “Tied” up in drugs.

Black Out Drugs at Adams

GPECHS Powers Up against drugs.
And GPECHS is taking a standing against bullying.

Ms. Esquivel's students made affirmation bracelets at Bush.

Red Ribbon Fact
What are the greatest risk factors in determining how susceptible your child is to substance abuse? Students who skip school, are unsuccessful in school, have parents who use drugs, lack parental supervision, and have friends who engage in alcohol and drug use are all far more likely to begin abusing drugs themselves. On the flip side, the greatest protective factors against your child abusing drugs are: having a strong family bond, parental supervision and monitoring, being active in school, community, or religious organizations, and hearing the direct expression of their parent’s feelings about the use of drug and alcohol.   

GP Buddies Up Against Drugs
GPHS staff and students, as well as GPHS Early College High School, buddied up with a partner to beat drugs. Red carpet was provided for all of our buddies that led to a table full of prizes for participating. The idea of walking on the Red Carpet enticed our administrators to buddy up as well.  #eachonesaveone

Jackson Red Ribbon Week

Jackson staff and students are "Wacky" without drugs. Check out our flipagram:

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Red Ribbon Week @ YMLA

Red Ribbon Activities at YMLA

Red Ribbon decorations, door decoration contest and Free From Drugs Pledges.

Garcia staff, “Unites Against Drugs” by wearing red, white and blue.

Red Ribbon Week @ Eisenhower

Red Ribbon Week @ de Zavala

Students and staff at De Zavala pledged to be drug-free. On Thursday we didn’t “Sweat Drugs.” On Friday, we would rather “Read than Do Drugs.” To wrap up Bullying Prevention and Awareness Month,  we “’Clothes’ the Mouths of Bullies” by donating new and gently used clothing to Kids Inc. Thanks to Girl Scout Troop #2048 for putting the red ribbons around our trees and our school.

#imtoopowerfultododrugs @ GPHS

Both GPHS Staff and Students showed off their super powers.  During Lunch, GPHS Counselors painted the face and hands of students, who lined up to pick out their take-away gifts.  #imtoopowerfultododrugs