Ochoa students and staff are "too bright" to bully.

Today, GPFAA wore red to take a stand against bullying.
Austin Elementary
Austin Elementary is ready for Bully Prevention Week. At Austin "We Don't Bully, We Brag." The counselor, Tonya Womack Campbell, has even kicked a rhyme (attached video) to showcase the student-to-student affirmation program. Students drop "braggin' strips" in the"braggin' bucket" to affirm one another. These are read on morning announcements. Staff also affirm one another by sending in affirmations to principal Tanya Gilliam, which are also read on the announcements. Go Longhorns!

Eisenhower Anti-Bullying
Eisenhower students and staff wore blue on Tuesday in support of Bullying Prevention. This is a picture of our 4th grade students and teachers in their blue attire. They care about kindness.