The GPECHS student council coordinated with counselor Lenora Brown to promote their “Boo 2 Bullying” campaign.
Adams celebrates Anti-Bullying Month
GPHS College Readiness

SGP POSiTive Reaction
SGP9 Warriors accept the challenge of starting a positive chain reaction. Students were encouraged to post positive words of affirmations to others during lunch after creating their Chains of Kindness during SWAT to kick off Bullying Prevention Month. Throughout the month of October students and staff are asked to accept a weekly challenge of starting a chain reaction of kindness by doing things like writing affirmations, holding the door for others or picking up a piece a trash every day. We are proud of our Warriors.
Fannin Takes Bully-Free Pledge
Fannin Middle School students took the pledge "United We Stand Against Bullying” and earned a raffle ticket to be placed in a drawing last week for a prize to kick off Bullying Prevention Month.