YMLA shows off their bracelets.

4th Grade teacher Mrs. Jimenez and her student are building the future without drugs at Travi

At De Zavala, we are showing our support of Red Ribbon Week. On Monday, we had to “Stay in the Game. Be Drug Free.” On Tuesday we were “Tickled Pink that We’re Drug Free,” and today we “Don’t Do Drugs. Drugs are Tacky.”

Dubiski science teachers Double Up Against Drugs for Red Ribbon Week.

From Head to Toe, I am Drug Free at Moseley.

At Hobbs Williams, we are saying "Kapow!" to drugs.
Red Ribbon Fact
Is marijuana a gateway drug? Recent research published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse highlights that over half of all illicit drug users begin with marijuana. Researchers point to a desensitization process over time which makes individuals more open/comfortable to experiment with other drugs. The other explanation is that as time goes on, users can no longer achieve the same results as they once did, so as their tolerance increases, they must use more and more of the drug, or find a stronger drug, in order to experience the desired high.