Austin’s Kindness Crew and school community helped donate cans for the GPISD community for Thanksgiving.
Garcia's counselor teamed up with 5th graders to have a Peer-to-Peer Career Fair. Students researched a career they would like to pursue and presented information about their career to 3rd and 4th graders. 

Students at Austin ESA were caught showing kindness. We are on the lookout for kindness because kindness matters.
Bonham counselor teaches students fair ways to play and students practice those skills.
Congratulations to these Moseley students who were awarded kindness and responsibility awards for the first nine weeks. Way to go!
Being bullying and drug free is celebrated all year long. At Austin ESA, counselor Shannon Regalzi did classroom pop-ups and students were surprised with a gift card for wearing their bracelet.
Thank you, University of Dallas, for talking to GPCI juniors and seniors about your campus program in Rome, Italy. Our very own senior, Benaiah, was also accepted into the highly selective University. #GenTXweek
Being Caught Being Kind Month at Ochoa STEM Academy included Filling Your Bucket lessons by counselor Leticia Malena and kindness prizes.
Counselor Mrs. Lopez at Travis World Language Academy starts out Generation Texas with College and Career Night at Chuck E. Cheese’s.