Sunday, January 27, 2019

GPISD Counseling Services News

 Dickinson Elementary's counselor, Latavia Rivers, would like to thankTruman Middle School's Student Council and sponsors for visiting with all of our 5th graders to provide guidance regarding middle school readiness.  Our students were able to gain insight on academics, extracurricular activities, making healthy choices, and much more.  Students were also given an opportunity to ask questions to help them better prepare for the transition to middle school.  What a great time!

Garner Fine Arts Academy kindergarten students participated in a goal-setting activity during their January social emotion lesson with their counselor Mrs. James.

First grade students at GFAA are practicing mindfulness by doing a hibernating bear breath with their counselor Mrs. Rubio. 

Members of the GPCI Kindness Crew and Community Service Club helped out during the Red Cross Blood Drive. They even reached their blood donation goal. 

Counselor Jacquelyn Solis at Garcia Elementary held Career Day last Friday. PreK-5th grade students enjoyed visiting with Prairie Paws, a geologist, dental hygienist, REALTOR®, an engineer from Lockheed Martin, a flood plain manager from the City of Grand Prairie, students from Dubiski, firefighters, their SRO Officer Pollard, a pilot from American Airlines, Assistant General Manager of Food Service Catherine Pannell, District Menu Planner Jennifer Merth, and Office Clerk Tara Clear. A light reception and gift bags with gift cards to Chick-fil-A and Starbucks were provided to their presenters for taking time to inspire students to dream big. 

Bonham’s classroom greeters welcome their classmates every morning ready to start the day. 

The Counselor at Whitt Fine Arts Academy would like to thank the wonderful speakers who shared information about their careers with our students. Students learned about a variety of careers including Veterinarian, Photojournalist, Police Officer, Code Compliance, and Criminal Court Judge as well as others.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

GPISD Counseling Services News

Dickinson Elementary recognized its wonderful students of character from the second nine weeks.  Students received a prize bag from their counselor, Latavia Rivers, for their hard work and determination. We are so proud of our students. Way to go, Cowboys!

Counselors from Ochoa STEM Academy had the pleasure of having assistant principal Mrs. Sala present Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute to our students. 

Thank you, Seguin Counselor Donna Jeffrey, for talking to our families about kindergarten options.

Kind, Career & Dr. King Jr.

Counselors from GPISD schools were in attendance at the MLK Parade on 1/21/19.  Counselors Shannon Neal (Sally Moore College and Career Preparatory), Megan Hay (Florence Hill Elementary), Kimberly Belcher (Eisenhower Elementary), Kelly Meeks (Powell Elementary), and Beverly Green (Moseley Elementary) marched in the parade to represent their schools and help foster Martin Luther King Jr's Dream.  Counselor Tonya Womack Campbell (YMLA) was a spectator.  

 The Dubiski Counseling Services Team, Kindness Crew, and students are writing positive notes of affirmation during lunch time to spread acts of kindness.

Florence Hill collected a variety of items to make 30 “Blessing Bags” for homeless people in Grand Prairie. 
Moseley’s counselor would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated in our Career Day. Representatives from the City of Grand Prairie, Lockheed Martin, Edward Jones, Richland College, and various medical professions spoke to our students about the value and importance of hard work and a good education.

Monday, January 14, 2019

GPISD Counseling Services News

On Saturday, January 12, 2019, the Grand Prairie Soroptimist Group and GPISD Counseling Services celebrated our November and December Girl of the Month.  It was a wonderful event that allowed us to share with the parents, grandparents, and siblings the amazing accomplishments that our young ladies are doing at their campuses.  It was a great honor to celebrate them.
 Moseley's counselor delivered a goal setting guidance lesson to kindergarten students.  What a great way to start the new year.

 First and third grade Students of Character at GFAA were rewarded with pencils and a gift certificate to Popeyes.

Counselor Mrs.Lopez at Travis World Language Academy is planning out the new year community service activities with her Kindness and Compassion Crew.
The administrators, counselors, and social worker at Adams met with students to encourage them to promote a positive school culture.  They discussed making good choices, decreasing bullying behaviors and building character.  

Students of Character from each class at Whitt Fine Arts Academywere awarded prizes and lunch with their Counselor, Tamara Collins.  Way to go, Whitt Stallions!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Character is the Key in GPISD

YMLA Counselors (RC COLA) Randle and Campbell organized a Handprints on Hearts social gathering.  Mentors and mentees enjoyed building relationships, conversation starter activities, and a little refreshment.  Thank you to Christopher Bass, Instructional Media Specialist, for his video production.  Video

The counselors at Garner Fine Arts Academy rewarded Students of Character today during lunch. Congrats to all our of students that exhibit good character each month.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Happy Holidays!

                      GPISD Counselors slid into the new year at Bowie Fine Arts Academy.

                               GPISD Counselors worked on their masterpiece "Love Quotes."
 All aboard the Polar Express! A big thanks to all the Garner staff members that helped put together fun holiday activities for our students. They were very excited.

Just lovin' what we do at Travis World Language Academy - from hosting Handprints on Hearts celebrations to having daily treats and breakfast and having fun Holiday Dress-Up days for staff and students.