Sunday, November 30, 2014

YMLA fed 34 families from our campus for Thanksgiving.  Every family got a turkey, a bag of potatoes, dinner rolls, green beans, corn, cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup, corn bread, sweet potatoes, marshmallows, and a dessert. Some of them even got extras like Thanksgiving bowls, plates, and napkins, eggs, cereal, etc.  Last year we fed 23 families, and our goal this year was 30.... So we exceeded our goal.  Yay!!

Gen TX & Community Service

High school graduating classes at De Zavala.

De Zavala staff members who were first–generation college students.

College Pride at Eisenhower

Fourth grade students in Mrs. Anguiano's class wear Caps and Gowns for Gen TX Week at Eisenhower (left).

Fourth grade teacher, Beth Fleener, along with student, Erin Lopez, sport Texas Tech University college shirts. Mrs. Fleener will be completing her PhD in math from Texas Tech, and Erin wants to attend Texas Tech when she goes off to college (right).

Career Prep at Hobbs Williams

​Career Educators came out to Hobbs Williams  and spoke to the students about college and what they want to be. The next day, they came and took pictures with students dressed in their dream job.

Lee Shows Their College Pride

The students of Lee Elementary wrapped up GenTX week by showing off their favorite college gear.  Even our school’s Animal Assisted Therapy dog, CharlieAnn, showed her support for her favorite school- Oklahoma State University!  Way to go, Bears!  We are college bound!

Ms. Chavez's 2nd grade bilingual class at Lee dressed up in caps and gowns to practice graduating from UTA with their degrees, prepared for future careers.
Their photos in caps and gowns along with mock diplomas were on display in our hallway to show that at Lee, we truly are focused on our future: from cradle to career.

Crosswinds Adopt-a-Street

Crosswinds students serve the community by keeping their neighborhood clean.

Hobbs Williams Food Drive

Hobbs Williams had another successful year collecting food donations for the GP Santa Spot/Santa Cop program. This year KC Club boxed up nearly 2500 items. Some of the students were able to help load the truck as well!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

GEN TX Week at Awesome Austin Elementary!!!

Garner FAA University

Adams Middle School Counselors celebrate GEN TEX Week by wearing graduation caps to all of their Career Cruising Guidance Lessons.

Gen Tex Week Photos-South Grand Prairie-9


South Grand Prairie Ninth Grade Center School Counselors prepare for a day of Career Cruising




SGP-9 Lockers everywhere boasted of college banners



South Grand Prairie-9 Teachers celebrating GEN TEX week with College Décor for the door!


Gen TX Week

Did you know… 

Using the Career Cruising Program with your child assists them with exploring careers, planning for college, and learning more about scholarships?

View Career Cruising Parent Brochures for more details: Elementary or  Secondary

College Application Blitz
The College Application Blitz is a district effort to increase the number of first-generation and low-income students pursuing a college degree or other higher education credential. The primary purpose of this effort is to help high school seniors navigate the complex college admissions process and ensure they apply to at least one postsecondary institution. 

This event will occur during the school day, with a focus on students who might not otherwise apply to college. High school campuses will provide open computer labs for students to complete at least one college application.

Dickinson's Super Staff “We have the power and knowledge to go to college!”

Daniels Professionals

Author Rachel Caine Visits GPFAA

A huge thanks to our Texas Scholars Day speaker, New York Times Bestselling Author Rachel Caine. She spoke to 8th graders about her career as a professional musician and her decision to leave that behind to become a writer.

Gen TX Week

Texas Scholars Day

This initiative focuses students on education and career planning during middle and high school years. Today, local business professionals, educators, and community leaders will spend the morning with our middle school students to visually display the benefits of pursuing a post secondary education along with the art of creating a successful future after high school. 

Want to Know More?

Hats Off to Higher Education

School Counselor Mrs. Swanigan and Mrs. Gonzales 1st grade class are excited about Generation Texas week and they all participated in Hats Off to Higher Education Day. Students at Garcia were able to wear their favorite hats and investigate careers.

GenTX Week is the Bomb

Reagan Middle School Students learn all about Explosive Detection from Dallas Area Rapid Transit Canine Explosive Detection Unit.

Canine Handlers Officer S. Wright and Corporal M. De Los Santos along with K9 partners Devil and Argo talked to the students about the steps of being a Police Officer and the social skills needed to work in this field.

Hobbs Williams Enjoys GenTX Week 

The 1st graders Loved exploring ccSpark!

Anderson University Professors Visit GPFAA

Professors of Dance, George and Salina from Anderson University, taught a master class to our high school students and discussed college and career options for those dedicated to dance.

School Counselor works with 8th graders on Career Cruising at Jackson Middle school

School Counselor explores the Career Cruising website with Young Women's Leadership Academy students

Hobbs Williams is enjoying GenTX week! The 1st graders LOVED exploring ccSpark!

Students at Eisenhower dress up as what they want to be when they grow up!!

School counselor at De Zavala presents CCSparks Career Cruising to 4th graders!

Gen TX Week & Red Ribbon Week Winners

GenTX Week

How are GPISD campuses celebrating Gen TX Week today?

Click our Counselors’ Corner to learn more.

Did you know… 

The Career Cruising Program has many amazing features such as:

  • Interest and Skills Assessment – A world-renowned career assessment tool to help students identify suitable career options based on their interests and skills
  • Dual Language – The program can shift from English to Spanish text with a click of a button
  • Personal Graduation Plans – Assists with House Bill 5 Endorsement tracking and allows high school students to register for courses online
  • Career Profiles –Thorough and up-to-date information about hundreds of different occupations, including direct links between careers and college programs
  • Multimedia Interviews – Interviews with real people in each occupation, which add depth and realism to career profiles
  • College and Financial Aid Information – Comprehensive college and financial aid information, with a number of useful search tools to help students find the right college and the right scholarships
  • Electronic Career Portfolio – Available online, so students can develop their education and career plans from wherever they access Career Cruising
Learn more at

Jeans Thursday

Red Ribbon Contest Winners

Flo Hill's School Counselor plays a fun career game (ccSpark)to kick off Gen Tex week and Career Cruising in GPISD

Moseley Elementary College & Career Fair

The 5th graders did a fantastic job presenting to the 3rd and 4th grade students about their future college and careers!

Red Ribbon Week Contest Winners from GPHS!

Flo Hill Students Learning about Careers!

Career Night Kick Off at Marshall Elementary

 Career Night had information tables from different high schools and colleges and students went around finding out information about their options for Middle School, High School, and College.  Counselor spoke to parents giving them tips to plan and prepare for success when deciding on a career.  CC Sparks was also demonstrated and promoted during the event. 

Gen TX Week

Generation TX Week

GenTX week is all about college and career awareness for Texas youth.  We are joining in on the statewide celebration this week with various events. For more detail contact your campus counselor, or click here to see what's happening on the campuses. 

Schools will celebrate GenTX Week with the following activities:


  November 17 - GenTX Week Kick Off (Instagram Challenge)

  November 18 - 5th Grade College Readiness Project Presentations/Middle School Pick Your Path Day

  November 19 - Texas Scholars Day

  November 20 - College Application Blitz ($5 Jeans Day to raise money for Superintendent’s Scholarship)

  November 21 - College Pride Day 

GenTX Week Kick Off (Instagram/Vine Challenge)


We will start the week off with campus-based celebrations, college presentations, and special guests to address the value of a post secondary education. We would like every school to have a dedicated activity addressing the topic. This day will also mark the beginning of a weeklong Instagram/Vine competition between the schools. 

We will use the hashtag #GPCollegeReady to mark all photos and video submitted by the schools throughout the GenTX week. Our goal to go bigger and be bolder in our support our students post secondary readiness and success. We will announce a winner at the Elementary, Middle, and High School level.

Career Cruising

GPISD School Counselors are excited to announce the roll out of the Career Cruising Program?  Career Cruising is an internet-based career exploration and college planning tool available to all GPISD students from Pre-K through 12th grade.  View this video to learn more.


Hobbs Williams Kindergarteners explore the many career choices they have to choose from using puzzles