Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Let's Kick Butts: Tobacco Prevention

GPCI kicks butts.

Jackson Kicks Butts

Jackson Middle School counselors and students along with UTA social work graduate student interns promote Airing Out Tobacco's Dirty Laundry displays for Kick Butts Week.

Ochoa at WE Day
Ms. Jones, Ochoa school counselor and members of the KC club attended WE Day. WE Day is a unique youth empowering event that celebrates the power of youth change makers.

GPFAA Kicks Butts
Tobacco kills 1,300 Americans every single day. Each day more than 2,800 kids under the age of 18 try smoking for the first time. The counselors at GPFAA had students and staff pledge not to be a replacement to those that lose their lives to tobacco products.