Friday, March 1, 2019


Did you know that all 6th - 12th grade students in GPISD now have the STOPit Reporting App on their district iPads? This GPCI student is ready to keep herself, her friends, and her school safe. Learn more #BeKindGPISD

Garner FAA counselor, Casey Rubio, taught 3rd graders about diversity, self-respect and kindness in relationships using M&Ms. 

Our students at Sallye Moore College and Career Preparatory enjoyed our Career Day. Our PK-7 students had the opportunity to hear from Lockheed Martin engineers, a sales manager for Michelin Tires, a Fox 4 News reporter, a Microscopist Biologist, a bank manager and many others about their careers. It was a day of having fun but also learning about the different possibilities for their future.