Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Character & Service Matters

Jackson Middle School Rachel's Challenge 

Jackson's Rachel's Challenge Club, sponsored by the counselors, hosted a school-wide food drive contest. The students eagerly participated and collected hundreds of food items to donate to local families in need. Way to go, Jackson!

Florence Hill Student of Character
Florence Hill fourth-grader, Jesse Flores accepts his Student of Character honor Thursday night at the GPISD Board Meeting. We are so proud of him and his accomplishments. With him are Dr. Catherine Bridges (principal), Tay Nguyen, Victoria Flavin, (teachers) and  Megan Hay (counselor).

Keep America Beautiful
Congratulations to Daniels, Florence Hill and SGP for receiving their Keep America Beautiful School certification. These three campuses are among the first five in the country to complete the requirements by:

  • measuring changes in litter on campus after an awareness campaign, intervention, and cleanup
  • conducted a waste audit and found solutions to reduce, reuse, and recycle
  • created a tree trail on their campus which includes environmental and economic benefits.  Check them out

Interested in doing this at your campus?  Check out the resources at Youth Initiatives Guide. If you have any questions, contact or