Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Counseling services News

Last week began Moseley's month-long drive titled, "Spread the Love."  Every week for a month, our Student Council and Kindness Crew will be collecting different items to be donated to families in the area. Last week students donated their “gently loved” stuffed animals.

Feeling the love! I want to give a shout-out to the GPHS Student Council for making a valentine heart with the name of everyone in the school (students and staff) so no one was left out, and then randomly placed them on lockers and windows around the school.  Everyone who found their name was then given a treat.

YWLA held its 7th annual mother/daughter workshop as part of the GPISD #BeKind initiative. The students and their mothers learned how to communicate effectively and work through differences to build a healthier relationship. The YWLA counselors would like to give a special thank you to Mrs. Esmeralda Rodriguez for her informative and energetic presentation.  

The GPFAA counseling department collaborated with the Teen Leadership class, taught by Kelsi Livesay, to chalk about love for Teen Dating Violence Awareness.

 The BeProject, Social Work Intern, and Social Worker at Dubiskispread awareness to students about Teen Dating Violence. Students participated in a trivia game of facts and myths over teen dating violence and pledged "What love is to them."

Meteorologist Greg Fields from WFAA presented all there is to know about meteorology, weather and the importance of working hard in math and science. Thank you, Greg Fields, for taking the time to visit with our 2nd grade students. GFAA appreciates you! 

Thanks to Bonham Career Day guest speakers including Officer Huski and Kaiser, Officer Dye, and Mrs. Evelyn for baking and showing how to decorate some delicious cupcakes. Other community guests included Bear Creek Dentistry and U.S. Army.  #BeKindGPISD 

Truman staff and students wore orange 4 Love on 2/12/19. #BeKindInRelationships

Last week SGPHS Counseling Services provided Teen Dating Violence outreach during lunch periods at the main campus and Dr. Alexander Building. Trivia games and hashtag pics were a hit. #healthyrelationships #BeKindGPISD #BeProject

Garner Fine Arts Academy kindergarten students participated in a “Be Kind” activity during their February social emotion lesson with their counselor Mrs. James. #BeKindGPISD

Truman students were treated with information and a treat on 2/14/19 in honor of Respect Week and Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. #BeKindInRelationships

Students from SGP Early College High School wanted to ensure that women sheltered at Brighter Tomorrows felt special on Valentines Day.  Our social worker, Ms. Herrera, delivered Valentine's Day cards and flower arrangements to GPISD Connections Coordinator Sonnia Ortega and Brighter Tomorrows Shelter Coordinator Crystal.  They were happy to accept these gifts on behalf of the women.  #BeKindGPISD.  For more information on Brighter Tomorrows, please visit https://www.brightertomorrows.net