Saturday, October 10, 2015

Bullying Prevention in GPISD

No Bullying Week at Moseley

First Grade Students in Ms. Timms' and Ms. Nester's class participated in "We Don't Hate, We Congratulate" Kindness/No Bullying Week activities. Students wore their clothes backwards, turning their backs on bullying.


Gopher Anti-Bullying

On Monday, GPHS counselors were in the Cafeteria asking students to commit to not being a bully by wearing their blue ribbons. Many of the students have attached the ribbons to their lanyards have committed to wearing it all week. On Wednesday, counselors were in the cafeteria asking students to sign pledge cards to make  GPHS a Bully-Free Zone. The finished banner is displayed in the cafeteria as a reminder that we will not tolerate bullying on our campus.